Don’t Let Your Body Collect Dust! Stay Flexible with this Fascia-Targeting Exercise
Moving your body is like dusting a shelf. When you move in the same ways, day after day, it’s like dusting the same section of shelf over and over. Sitting in chairs and never getting on the ground, or only typing on the computer and rarely reaching overhead is the movement equivalent of endlessly “dusting […]
Learn to Painlessly Unlock Your Natural Squatting Ability
Have you ever watched a little kid squat down just so they can check out a bug, play with a matchbox car, or hang out with another kiddo? And then, when it’s time to get up, they pop right up with no effort at all. Do your knees hurt just thinking about squatting like that? […]
The Connection Between Your Knees, Feet, and Pain-Free Movement
Ever wonder what the most overlooked part of the body is when it comes to easing pain and improving function? Here’s a hint. You have two, and they each have 26 bones, 33 joints, 56 ligaments, 20-plus muscles, and 7,000 nerve endings—yes, SEVEN-THOUSAND! Give up? It’s your feet! Your feet are built-in movement machines that […]
Save Your Knees and Time with Easy Daily Moves You Already Know
Ever wished you could build strength without dedicating extra hours you don’t have? Your everyday actions hold the secret! In today’s video, you’ll learn how to simultaneously build strength in your backside and ease strain in your knees by doing something you probably do multiple times a day. Once you get the hang of what […]
Knee Discomfort? Here’s the Uphill Solution You’ve Been Waiting For!
If you have knee pain, today’s video is for you—actually, the next few are! I’ll show you something to watch for when going uphill or upstairs that contributes to knee discomfort. Then, I’ll show you an easy adjustment that will make going upstairs way better for your knees. It takes practice, but if you stick […]
Fancy a Peek Inside Pilates Tonic Online? Aligned Strength, Toning, and Flexibility Awaits!
I know when I’m interested in buying something or joining a program, sometimes I get a little nervous about *exactly* what I’m getting. This is why I made a short video to show you around the Pilates Tonic Online (PTO) membership. PTO is a comprehensive program that is methodically organized to make it easy […]