Dracula’s Collar: Your Key to Unlocking Spine-Stabilizing Superpowers

In our last video, we explored how the visual of Dracula’s iconic collar can help you:

  • Find your head and neck alignment
  • Create more stability in your shoulders
  • Feel the alignment of your ribcage 

Today, we're revisiting Dracula's collar, this time focusing on your spine and twisting.

Did you know you have tiny core muscles that lace up your spine? 

These muscles, called the multifidus and rotatores, might be small in size, but their importance is huge when it comes to:

  • Creating spinal stability so the bones of your spine stay in place while you move.
  • Safely moving your spine by fine-tuning and supporting big movements like twisting or bending, ensuring safer, smoother, and more controlled spine motion.
  • Providing feedback to your brain by constantly sending signals about your back’s position. When you're walking, reaching, or balancing, they help your brain know exactly what's happening with your spine.

Now, you won’t feel these muscles working in the same way you’d feel your abs during a sit-up or your biceps during curls. 

These muscles feel more subtle, and at first, you might not feel them at all—and that’s totally normal!

In today’s video, I’ll show you a simple but effective way to tap into these tiny yet mighty muscles so you can start moving with more spinal stability and control. 

After you try it out, I'd love to hear about your experience! Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

With Dracula’s collar and a spine-friendly twist,

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Depending on your goals, this program will help you identify which area of your body to focus on and the exercises that will help you get out of pain, add more flexibility, and become stronger.

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Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the Pilates Tonic Online membership or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

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