Improve Alignment and Counteract Rounded Shoulders with this Easy Doorframe Trick

There are certain exercises I practice every day without fail no matter what.

I shared one in the last video using a doorframe to build glute and leg strength.

Today, we’re back at the doorframe, and this time we’re going to stretch your chest and the front of your shoulders.

As modern humans, we spend waaaaay more time doing things that round the shoulders.

Most people spend a lot more time sitting, driving, computering (pretty much anything that involves holding the arms out in front of the body!), and very little time doing things that reach the arms overhead, behind, or out to the sides.

Eventually, this arms-out-in-front imbalance contributes to rounding the shoulders and pulling the upper spine forward, creating the classic rounded upper back.

The rounded back is normally blamed on aging, but it has more to do with the loads and tensions created in your body by the things you do and how you move. And the way you use and move your arms can make all the difference.

If rounded shoulders and upper back concern you, it's worth getting deliberate about adding the movement you’ll learn in today’s video into your daily routine.

This exercise not only feels amazing, but it’s super functional for counteracting shoulder-rounding activities.

Once you get the hang of this one, practicing it multiple times throughout the day is easy.

After you check it out, I’d love to know how it goes! You can reply to this email or leave a comment below the video and let me know.

With open shoulders,


P.S. If you like what you learned in this video, I think you’ll love the Pilates Tonic Online membership (PTO)!

PTO is not just another online program. It's a unique monthly membership packed with restorative exercises (material you won’t find in a regular Pilates class) designed to help you improve your alignment and ease aches and pains as you get stronger and more flexible. 

Join the waitlist today, and you’ll be the first to know when a spot opens up!

Here’s what members are saying:

“I can’t get enough thoracic spine routines from you. Always so appreciative of your expertise and care!”


 “I always feel my best when I'm doing your classes a few times a week.”


“Your tips are phenomenal… giving me the access I need to those strained tendons and muscles that I could not activate until now!”


Picture a life where your movements are effortless, pain is a thing of the past, and you have the energy and strength to do what you love every day.

Get on the waitlist today—your body will thank you.

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

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