From Bed-Bound to Hiking: Theresa’s Incredible Pain Recovery Journey

Last year, I received an email from a woman who’d been on a long road to recovery after debilitating pain. She was finishing physical therapy for her pelvic floor and was curious about the Pilates Tonic Online membership.

She’d found some relief with physical therapy, but her feet and back still hurt, and her thoracic spine felt stuck.

She really wanted to start exercising and moving again but had lost all trust in her body and was terrified of hurting herself.

Desperate to soothe the pain in her feet, one night, she Googled “how to help foot pain” and found a video from the Pilates Tonic blog.

Little did she know, she was about to find help for more than just her feet.

In a recent conversation, Theresa had some eye-opening insights about her transformative journey: 

  • The reason she was “turned off” by Pilates (something she once loved) and what made her decide to try Pilates Tonic Online.
  • Why she lost trust in herself with exercise and how she found confidence again.
  • The game-changers she learned inside Pilates Tonic Online that no one else is talking about.
  • Why she no longer panics if she feels a little pain because she knows what to do now and how to work through it.
  • How she went from barely being able to get out of bed to camping and hiking with her family and waking up with no pain (like zero!).

Just because you get older or have pain in your body, it doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying your life and doing the activities you love.

Feeling better is more than a possibility; it can be a reality!

With all my best,


P.S. Limited 4-day window: Pilates Tonic Online membership registration opens next week!”

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Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the Pilates Tonic Online membership or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

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