Chronically Tight Hamstrings? This One’s for You!

Wowza, the last two weeks have been a blur. School started, which is always an adjustment at my house. But, this year is a whole new level of adjustment in the form of homeschool. Well, more like public homeschool, as in virtual public school. Is that a thing? It is now, and it’s kind of like getting dropped off on another planet.

I know I’m not the only one feeling the growing pains of working and homeschooling at the same time. If, like me, you’re on this pandemic-homeschool planet, whether teacher, parent, or caregiver, I feel you and am with you.

WE CAN DO THIS. Hang in there; it’s gonna get easier. LOL—it has to!

Staying balanced and making sure the day goes more easily has become more important than ever. Finding creative ways to move more during the day has seriously helped my life balance and daily workflow.

And the exercise you’ll learn in today’s video integrates easily into normal daily activities (like bending over to read something at your desk or check your kid’s homework). It’s an action you’ll be able to do multiple times a day!

This is the move that helped me FINALLY get some length in the back of my legs! So, if you have chronically tight hamstrings, this one's for you.

You can also build on this in a variety of ways to help your legs, hips, and upper back. I’ll show you my favorite variation in an upcoming post, so stay tuned.

After you watch today's video and try it out, tell me how it goes by leaving a comment.

With love and lengthened hamstrings,

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

6 Responses

  1. This is a good one for me. I have to keep working on my hamstrings, esp with my hip and knee problems. Thanks

  2. I’ve been struggling w tight hams and really liked how this movement felt. Thank you. Can you take us through WHY this helps tight hamstrings? Thank you for all your videos and efforts to have us feeling better! (and I’m reminded to get out my toe stretchers!)

    1. Hi Suzette, great question! Keeping your legs straight and then asking them to hold the weight of your body with a forward bend makes your hamstrings work and stretch at the same time. This working-while-lengthening-combo is the perfect recipe for making change (like more length) to muscle and fascial fibers. Thanks for your question and feedback!

  3. I enjoy all of your videos, you explain things so well & focus on functional benefits, not just appearance. But I have a question on this one, you mention the need to hinge while maintaining the curve in your lower back. But my spine is fused from L4-T10. So can I still benefit from this exercise?

    1. Hi Georgia! For sure, you can still benefit from this exercise. It’s actually a very helpful way to learn how to bend forward with a spinal fusion because the intention is to hinge at your hips without bending the spine; which helps prevent strain. Hope this helps. Thanks for your question and kind words!

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