Help Cure Childhood Cancer by Taking a Class on the 23rd


Emily's Power for a Cure

I hope you had an amazing holiday season and that your New Year is off to a fantastic start. I've been eagerly waiting to announce this update about some very special events happening at Pilates Tonic during the month of January.

Emily's Power for a Cure Day

Emily's Power for a Cure is a local Chattanooga foundation doing some amazing work raising funds and awareness to help find a cure for Neuroblastoma while helping families who are actively fighting this disease.

This foundation is particularly close to our hearts because the foundation's namesake, Emily Ransom, was Will Daugherty's niece.

Emily’s Power for a Cure was established in loving memory of two-year-old Emily Ransom, who, in October 2005 was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that often strikes without warning. On February 20, 2006, while undergoing surgery to remove her tumor, Emily won her battle and went to dance in heaven.

The Foundation was established in 2006 by Emily's parents, Jonathon and Wendy Ransom, and supports children undergoing treatment for this disease and their families. They hope to find a cure for Neuroblastoma, the third most common childhood cancer.

Each year, 600 to 700 children are diagnosed with this disease. The survival rate is staggeringly low, only 30-50%, a figure that has remained the same for almost 30 years.

Despite the challenge, Emily’s Power for a Cure has raised over $1,000,000 and accomplished some remarkable tasks since it was established.

In 2011, Emily’s CT Ranch was opened at TC Thompson Children’s Hospital and provides state-of-the-art radiology services in a kid-friendly and loving, cowboy environment.

In 2009, the EPFAC Executive Board voted to fund two $150,000 grants to top research hospitals in the country, and again in 2014 granted a two-year $150,000 grant leading to better treatment for ALL Neuroblastoma patients. These brand new, cutting-edge studies will lead to long-term, event-free survival.

Attend Class and We'll Donate to Emily's Power for a Cure

In honor of Emily Ransom and to help support Emily’s Power for a Cure, Pilates Tonic will donate all proceeds from Studio Foundation Sessions during the month of January to the Foundation. We will also host a day of specialty classes on January 23rd and donate the proceeds to Emily’s Power for a Cure.

Our amazing neighbors at the 401 Building are also joining in support…

sophies shoppe logoSophie's Shoppe is donating $500 to Emily's Power for a Cure, plus 20% of their sales on January 23rd.

Taylor Paige Boutique is donating 20% of their sales on January 23rd and 50% of all pink items. taylor paige logo

If you’ve never been to the studio, Sophies's, or Taylor Paige, now’s the perfect time to get started and support an amazing cause at the same time.

Make a donation to Emily's Power for the Cure (minimum $16 per class) and We'll Donate

We are donating all proceeds from Studio Foundation sessions all month long. If you are new to the studio, this is the perfect opportunity to come check us out. Or, if you know someone who has wanted to get started, tell them to come in during the month of January!

The Studio Foundation session is a pre-requisite for participating in all classes on January 23rd.

Special Classes Offered on Saturday, January 23rd

We're offering a special selection of great classes all day Saturday. We ask that you make a donation for each class you'd like to take ($16 minimum for each class) and we'll give 100% to Emily's power for a Cure. When you sign up for a class, you will not be charged initially, but will need to bring your minimum donation of $16 on the 23rd (cash or check made out to EPFAC). Then get ready to move and have fun!

Here is the current schedule of events:


Will DaughertyLong Distance Run with Will
(7:00 – 9:00 am)

During this run through downtown and North Chattanooga, participants set their own pace while enjoying the views of the Scenic City. Beginners will learn how to run correctly and prevent injuries. Experienced runners will focus on their form.

A short, focused stretch class will immediately follow the run.

The ability to run 3 miles is a prerequisite for this session.

Click here to register for the Long Distance Run class…


Outside Plyometrics with Will
(9:00- 10:00 am)

In this class, you'll go to Renaissance Park to practice a variety of cardio training exercises that include short-burst, explosive type movements. These exercises will help enhance running and burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time. You'll do sprints, lunges, jumps, hill work, and much more in the power category. It's important that you are in fairly good shape to join this class because it's intense!

Click here to register for Outside Plyometrics…


Intro to the Monkey Gym with Will
(10:45- 11:45 am)

The Monkey Gym class takes the safe, spinal mechanics and fundamentals of Pilates and applies them to different strength-building exercises using the rings, rope, chin-up bar and a variety of different mat exercises.

This class is for you if you want a higher-intensity class and want to feel like you got a good, but safe workout where form is of the utmost importance.

If you’ve heard of it already, but always been intimidated by the Monkey Gym, this is a great opportunity to test the waters and get over your fear. You can try it with others who probably feel the same way you do.

You'll get a great workout without the need for all the weights and props. Instead, you’ll use your own body weight to achieve powerful results. We can truly focus on your body’s weaknesses and strengthen them without being hampered by weights that can turn the wrong muscles on.

If you frequently feel terrible after workouts, that shouldn’t be the case. You should feel good in your mind, body, and soul after a great workout. You should be able to advance your physical abilities without eventually hurting yourself and taking an extended break that causes you to start back at square one.

In Monkey Gym, we can maintain a higher intensity while zeroing in on your problem areas and we’ll work together to fix those problems for good.

This class is limited to 5 people to ensure individual attention.

Click here to register for Intro to the Monkey Gym…

sydney-portrait-pma-200x300Align, Release & Strengthen the Upper Body with Sydney
(1:15 -2:15 pm)

Cars and grocery stores are fantastic, however, these modern-day conveniences stop us from moving in ways that allow us to realize our fullest physical potential. Combine that with chronic staring at phones and tablets and slumping at our desks and most of us now have an excessive curvature in the upper spine that we mask through “good” posture.

In this class, you'll learn specific exercises that will give you a new level of awareness, improve your alignment and correct patterns that may be causing you long-term pain, or creating future dysfunction.

We all unconsciously think we know good posture and alignment, but most of us are using a strategy that doesn't actually work to create good posture at all. in fact, we're setting ourselves up for future problems with alignment and muscle imbalances throughout the upper body.

In this class, you’ll learn corrective exercises to restore and improve your posture and overall alignment. And you’ll have fun doing it!

A pre-requisite for this class is to read, Good Posture is Terrible Alignment – Here’s How to Fix It. When you come to class, get ready to jump into simple solutions you'll be able to easily replicate at home.

Click here to register for Align, Release & Strengthen the Upper Body…

Space is limited… We are super excited about this event and anticipate the classes will fill up REALLY fast!

So, if you know you want to take one or more of these classes, sign up asap!

New to the Studio? Very Important…

If you haven’t been to the studio before, remember, you must complete your Studio Foundation training before attending any classes we offer. Schedule your Studio Foundation session ASAP and you can participate in the fun! (Click here to schedule a Studio Foundation session.)

Plus, during the month of January, we are donating the proceeds of the initial Studio Foundation session to Emily's Power for a Cure.

Find out more about the Studio Foundation session here…

If you sign up, but can't make it on the 23rd, please let us know ASAP so someone else can have your spot.


If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below.

Happy New Year and I’ll see you in the studio!

P.S. – Don't forget, you won't be charged when you sign up for a class today, but you need to bring your $16 minimum donation in the form of cash or check made out to EPFAC, on January 23rd.

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

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