A Free Mini Workshop for Your Hip Flexors 


Last August we filmed a mini-workshop called Hip Flexor Relief. We intended it to be our very first paid online class. But, one thing led to another and the production of the video was put on hold.

Fast forward a bit and today we have exciting changes happening behind the scenes at the studio and it's taking a lot of my time and energy. (I’ll be making an announcement with more details very soon!)

At first, I thought I'd take a break from posting on the blog while I’m working out the studio details, but then I remembered the Hip Flexor Relief video training and had an idea.

Until now, the mini-workshop was just sitting around gathering digital dust and we weren't going to publish it at all. But I didn't want this great hip flexor training to go to waste!

So, I've decided to release the Hip Flexor Relief training as a series of blog posts instead.

Starting today, you can take this hip flexor workshop for free and the first video is in this post. You’ll receive a link to the next video in the series every other Tuesday until we've published the entire workshop.

Each video will have three to four exercises you can follow along with and once all the segments have been released, you’ll have the entire program in its entirety for free.

Watch part one and follow along, and let me know how it goes in the comments below.

Without further adieu, I hope you enjoy part one of the Hip Flexor Relief mini-workshop!

See you in the studio,

P.S. Keep an eye out next Tuesday for an email with an exciting announcement!

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

12 Responses

    1. Thank you for your comment, Julie, this workshop is a blend of exercises and techniques I’ve learned from Katy Bowman, Kit Laughlin, Marie-José Blom and Robert Schleip. Many of the exercises in this first segment did come from Katy. Except for the hip flexor stretch– I learned that one from Kit Laughlin–but Katy does teach something similar without contractions. In the upcoming segments, there’ll be more exercises inspired by my other amazing teachers. Hope you enjoy the videos!

  1. Great sequence – thank you! I found the first stretch in particular more effective than many other hip flexor stretches, and with a lot less hard work needed to keep the pelvis in neutral. Looking forward to the next segment!

  2. Sydney, Well, it appears as if you have eliminated a whole bunch of us. I was excited to see this video and encouraged, at first. So, all I need to do is get down on a yoga mat! Right!

  3. Hey, I just found this, although I’m sure you told us all in emails — this was posted on a family celebration date so I was pretty busy elsewhere. As a lifelong computer person, sitting a lot, I think I really can use this workshop series. Thanks for your very careful, clear explanations of what we’re doing and also how to do it and how to notice how our bodies feel in these exercises!

  4. Thank you so much for making this three-part series available! I’ve long done Katy’s alignment snacks and suffered from tight hips, weak glutes, and lower back pain. I did the full sequence yesterday and noticed such a difference. Thank you!!!!

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