Relieve Forearm, Shoulder and Neck Pain with the Thumb Stretch

Our hands are an easily overlooked part of the body when it comes to release work and alignment. We rarely even think about our hands, and everything we use them for, until something hurts or stops working.

Consider everything you use your hands for every day: making food, typing, texting, cleaning, gardening, driving, just to name a few.

Our hands, and thumbs in particular, work constantly throughout the day helping us accomplish everything we need to get done.

Tightness in the hands not only leads to loss of range of motion in your hands, but also contributes to forearm, shoulder and neck pain. It’s all connected!

Today’s video focuses on your thumb. I'll show you an exercise that will help you discover how much range of motion you currently have in your thumb joint, while simultaneously releasing tension and lubricating the joint.

If you spend a lot of time typing, texting, knitting, sewing, gardening, playing video games, or any activity that requires the use of your hands this video is for you!

I was shocked by how much tension I was holding in my thumb when I first tried this stretch. I was equally shocked by how good it felt. In other words, I think you're really going to like this one.

Watch the video and give the exercise a try. I’d love to hear how it goes in the comments below.

See you in the studio!

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

5 Responses

    1. Thanks for letting us know! We’re aware of the problem on mobile and working to solve it. In the meantime, if you want to watch the video, you can view it on a desktop computer for now and it will play just fine. We’ll post a comment here when we have the mobile playback issue resolved. Thanks for your patience while we work out the bugs with the new site!

  1. I like this stretch! Feels both needed and relaxing. Thanks so much for for showing it – I can see me doing this at the office.

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