How to Do the Ultimate Pilates Roll-Down – Part 1 of 3


Most people lose the real benefits of the Pilates roll-down exercise and never realize it. In this new video series, I've broken the roll-down into basic steps that will completely upgrade the way you do it and help you get way more out of it.

In today’s video I’m going to show you the first step to getting all you can out of your roll-down.

The roll-down is one of my favorite Pilates exercises because it feels fantastic in my back and connects me deeply to my core structure.

Every time I feel that core connection, I know I’m maximizing my session, avoiding injury and not wasting any time or energy with my efforts. And all it takes is a few really good repetitions to get all the benefits!

The roll-down can be a very safe and effective exercise if you focus on the detail in the movement. Moving too quickly and working from your global muscles can cause more harm than good by putting excess pressure on the pelvic floor, compressing the spine and strengthening poor patterns in your body.

With a little extra attention to detail at the beginning of your roll-down, you’ll be surprised by just how effectively the roll-down enhances your spinal mobility and deepens your core ability.

3-Part Series on the Roll Down

Today’s video is the first in a three-part series that will show you how to fine-tune your roll-down and set you up for injury-free, super efficient Pilates sessions.

We're breaking the roll-down into separate, critical movements that you MUST get right and, in the last video, put it all together to show you how to do the perfect roll-down and get all the key benefits every single time.

Be sure to subscribe (the form is at the end of the video itself) and you’ll get the whole three-part series as it’s published.

If you try today’s exercise, I'd love to hear how it goes in the comments below.

See you in the studio,

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

9 Responses

  1. Hi Sydney,

    Thank you so much for generously posting videos and so much information on your web site. I wish I lived close enough to come in for Pilates classes with you. You have helped me improve my life greatly. Thank you.


  2. Hi Sydney,

    I’m really looking forward to seeing the 3-part video on the roll down. I’ve been taking Pilates sessions for 5 years now and feel very frustrated that I can’t seem to do the roll down, rolling like a ball and climb a tree. Is this all due to tight pelvis and lower back? Would appreciate your input very much. Thanks.

    1. Hi Ruth, it’s hard for me to say for certain without seeing you, but if your low back and pelvis are tight they can certainly prevent you from doing those three exercises. I’ll be very excited to hear if this video series helps you with your roll-down. Thank you for your feedback!

  3. You have some great videos. I love to share with friends. Idea for future video: The Spinal Twist. Been reading how this is one of the best underutilized stretches. Increases rotation and movement of the back / spine, reduces back pain, relieves pressure in the arteries, strengthens the core, etc. One of the must do daily stretches. Thanks.

  4. I love all your videos, but I have one request…the background music is very distracting to me. I have a hard time concentrating on what you are saying. Maybe leave out the music?

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