Are You Taking Time for Yourself?

Are You Taking Time for Yourself?

Summer is officially in full swing. The studio is abuzz, kids are out of school, and my favorite vacation spot, Dale Hollow Lake, is calling my name.

I'm blessed to work with amazing clients who keep me inspired week after week with their commitment to themselves. Their ongoing progress in their bodies and lives is a constant source of inspiration and motivation to do what I do.

If you asked one of them, they'd tell you I am often cheerleading about the importance of self-care.

In fact, a few weeks ago I was talking with someone about making the time in her already impossible schedule to get a massage. As I was telling her how important it was to make the time, a wonderful recommendation I recently heard popped into my mind and knocked me right off my soapbox.

The advice was this: “Attend your own lectures.”*


When we find ourselves frequently making (or preaching!) specific recommendations to others, it can be a sign that we need to be doing for ourselves the very thing we're telling others they need.

I realized in that moment I was talking to myself just as much as I was talking to her and I needed to take my own advice!

So, although it's both exciting and a little scary for me to say it, this will be my last post until August.

As my kids are ten and six, growing fast and so excited about summer vacation, I have gotten the hint that it's time for me to to take a break from the blog as well.

But fear not! 😀 The blog has been a huge hit and we're just getting started. In fact, we've got six fantastic videos in production that I can hardly wait to share with you!

Plus, the studio is rockin' and rollin', we have great teachers bringing their special insights and skills into classes and private sessions every day and there's a great new workshop in the works for October.

I encourage you to review your Pilates practice and check in with yourself: are you attending your own lectures? Can you make time and space for whatever it is you need to feel and be your best?

I've found that both my Pilates practice and my life improve SO much every time I pause for a moment, listen to my inner voice and take action (or inaction!) accordingly.

If you have a special self-care strategy, please feel free to share it with everyone in the comments. I'd love to hear about it and I bet everyone else would too!

I hope you have an amazing July and I can't wait to catch up with you in August!

Much love,


*I heard this while watching Super Soul Sunday. It turns out the recommendation came from Debbie Ford's book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. I haven't read it, but it looks interesting. If you read it, or have read it, let me know that too!

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

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