New Fascial Conditioning 6-Week Series Starts August 28th


Recently I attended another Fascial Conditioning workshop with fascia-nado, Tom Myers and fascia-nada Divo Müller. It was a fantastic workshop!

In fact, it was so good I created a brand new series just to share this cutting-edge fascial fitness material with you.

But first, I have a short story that really illustrates why fascial fitness is so important… at least it sure did for me!

My Son's Crazy Fascia Moves Shocked Me Into a New Awareness

I promised my kids we'd go roller skating as soon as I got home from my trip, and so we went the very same day I returned.

This was my five-year-old son's very first experience roller skating. Watching him and thinking about all the fascia training I had just been through gave me lots of food for thought.

To roller skate, my son held on to a set of little handlebars on wheels for people just learning to skate. He still fell a lot, but he always got right back up.

At one point I looked over at him just as he fell into the front splits. He kept rolling for a few moments before coming to a stop and then he got right back up and kept going.

My first thought as he popped up from his fall was, “Wow, he's got some healthy fascial tissues in that little body to just fall into the splits like that and get right back up like nothing happened!”

I would've been in serious trouble if I'd taken a fall like that!

Kids are much less inhibited than adults, both mentally and physically. It's easy to forget that they move more, and in a much wider variety of ways than we adults do. Their fascia is a lot more pliable, elastic and hydrated than most adults' fascia, and that's why they can get away with some pretty amazing stunts!

Remember hanging from the monkey bars, climbing trees, or bouncing around for no other reason than having a blast and feeling great just playing?

Guess what? It turns out that you can actually restore a lot of this youthful feeling and ability.


Gestures that are repeated become a habit. Habits that are repeated become a posture. Posture becomes a structure.
—Vladimir Janda via Tom Myers

Four Steps to a Youthful Fascia Body

To build an overall healthy and more youthful fascia body, there are four components you must include.

And I'm excited to announce that I'll be teaching you all four of these components in a brand new class this month.

The Fascial Conditioning series at Pilates Tonic
A 6-Week Workshop

Here's a brief rundown of the four components of Fascial Conditioning and what we'll be covering during the six-week training.

Each class will include some aspect of each of these four components. And yes, you will sweat just a little bit at the beginning of every one of these six special fascia classes—this is a hands on, activity-based seminar. It's the perfect combination of brain and body stimulation!

Elastic Recoil – Rebound Elasticity
For a complete explanation of these concepts, see the post, How are you like a Kangaroo?

Elastic recoil is what puts the spring in your step and helps keep you light on your feet. But your feet aren't the only places you want elastic recoil. When you bend over to pick something up, weed your garden, or tie your shoes, you want elasticity in the fascia of your low back and these exercises will show you how to get that and keep it.

You'll learn exercises to improve the elasticity of your entire body and likely get your heart rate going in the process.

Fascial Stretches
For an in-depth preview of the concept of fascial stretching and a video that will introduce you to a great stretch you can do now, have a look at an earlier article with a video demonstrating the Fascia Cat Stretch.

Certain postures are built into your Fascial structure and can't be changed through body awareness, traditional stretches, or release work alone.

The stretches you'll learn in this series are designed to make changes in your Fascial body.

Everyone's Fascial body is different. We all have blind spots we miss with our daily movements and stretching regimes. You'll find your blind spots and learn how to stretch and move the fascia in those areas. Believe me when I say, this feels really good!

Release and Hydration
Movement is the way to hydrate your body. You'll learn how to release and hydrate your fascia with melting movements of your body at super-slow speed. (For an in-depth explanation of the importance of fascial hydration, see my article, Careful, Or You'll Grow That Way.

Proprioceptive Refinement
This portion of Fascial Conditioning refines your movement and body awareness. And will help you get in touch with good feelings inside your body. You'll leave class with a feeling of lightness and well-being.

In a nutshell, movement organizes fascia. This series is designed to get you moving and organizing your fascia in ways that will improve your quality of life and make you smile in the process!

I hope you'll join me!

See you in the studio,


Fascial Conditioning 6-Week Class – $149

August 28th – October 2

Wednesday mornings from 8:30 am – 9:45 am

Click to Register for the Workshop Now

Click to register for the Fascial Conditioning 6-Week Class…


This is the first time this class has been offered and it's limited to 8 attendees so, if you want to attend, please sign up now to be sure you get your spot.

*Please note that Studio Foundation is a required prerequisite before participating in this Fascial Conditioning workshop. Also, the workshop is not appropriate for anyone recovering from an injury.

Every movement starts as an experiment.
-Tom Myers


Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

8 Responses

    1. Thanks for your feedback Jessica! I don’t know of anyone teaching Fascial Conditioning in Georgia, but if I hear of someone, I’ll let you know. Wish you were closer!

  1. Would love to but I live n Trussville Al. Have u considered a 1 day workshop on a Saturday n the future.

    1. Hi Tracey, I don’t have dates for offering the full 6 week series again. However, I have added an hour Fascial Conditioning class on Wednesday mornings from 8:30-9:30 starting October 9. I’ll also be offering a Fascial Conditioning mini workshop in December. The date is still being determined, but I should know soon. Thanks for your inquiry!

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