Are You Ready for a Pilates Mini-Challenge?

I’ve heard a lot of great stories from the attendees of the last Pilates Challenge back in January. Everyone who participated experienced noticeable improvements in their bodies and in their physical abilities and they’ve been talking about it—a lot!

I’ve also been getting questions from both previous participants and those who haven’t taken a Pilates challenge. The two biggest questions have been, “When is the next challenge?” and “Could we do something like that more often?”


I've been kicking around the idea of offering a 3-week Mini-Challenge to help you get ready for summer. This would be half the time commitment of the regular challenge, but would still create a major goal and a huge opportunity to make some big changes in your body in just 3 weeks.

But I have a question for you…

First, have a look at the 2 possible packages we’ve put together below.

Then answer the question that pops up on this page (below, right).

Lastly, if you have questions about it, or just want to comment or make suggestions, please add a comment to this post and let's talk about it.

Here are the two possible packages in a nutshell:

Pilates Mini-Challenge

Dates: April 23rd – May 13th

Mini-Challenge with Private Sessions: $450


  • 6 private sessions
  • 6 mat classes (includes option to attend the new Ball class)
  • 9 cardio sessions

Mini-Challenge with Classes $216


  • 6 mat classes
  • 6 reformer classes (includes option to attend new Monkey Gym classes)
  • 9 cardio sessions

Both packages include daily emails and a private Facebook group just for our Mini-Challenge.

I’m still in the planning stages with this idea so I really need to hear from you if you think you’d be at all interested.

If you want this to happen, it’s really important that you reply quickly and let me know. If there’s enough interest in it, I would definitely love to make it happen.

Thanks so much, have a fantastic week and see you in the studio!


P.S We are also launching 4 new classes this month—2 Monkey Gym classes, Reformer Stretch and a Ball Class! Stay tuned for more details.

Picture of Sydney


I’m here to help you get stronger and more flexible through alignment-based restorative exercise so you can enjoy all the activities you love in life. You can work with me in two convenient ways: digitally through the The Alignment Studio or personally with in-person Restorative Movement Sessions.

22 Responses

  1. I would love to attend another Challenge, the only road block is my travel schedule. It would be nice to see a bit more flexiblity regarding this. It’s a big financial committment and my schedule can be a bit prohibitive to joining the classes when I have to travel several days to a week at a time out of town. I truly see the benefits and enjoy the classes. Just a thought! Thanks so much!!


    1. Hi Daisy,
      What makes the Challenges so successful for people is having the goal of getting the classes in within a timeframe. I know your work schedule keeps you on the road and that does make it more complicated. I’m happy to talk with you about putting together classes that fit into your travel schedule and set some goals that meet your needs. It could be your own personal Mini – Challenge 🙂

  2. I would be interested in either session if I can fit scheduling in around work. I will be leaving town May 9th so would it be a struggle to get that many sessions in?

    1. Hi Angela,

      I think you could get all the classes in. You can always take 2 classes in the same day. We have a couple times during the week that a Stretching & Flexibility class follows a Pilates class. This a great way to get two classes in and feels really good too!

  3. I would really like to do this. Most of the classes I would have to take during the week. Will you be adding more class times? I like the idea of being able to do the cardio during the spring time weather versus the winter.

    1. Hi Anne,
      We have added a couple classes to the schedule for the Mini -Challenge and will add more as needed. Let me know if there is a class time you’d like to see! 🙂

  4. Sydney, Thanks for all the work you d to help us! I am enjoying the online information but cannot attend classes at this time. Family/home responsibilities are HEAVY & I can seldom get away. Thank you for the e-mail contacts and newsletter information. I will return whenever we become more stable here.

    1. Barbara, thank you for your feedback. I’m happy to hear the emails and blog posts have been helpful. I look forward to seeing you again! Take care.

  5. Sydney:
    I’ve been wanting to start attending classes at the studio for some now. The mini-challenge sounds like a perfect way to start. However, are the any plans to add any sunrise classes to the schedule at all? Around the 5:30AM time frame? My work schedule and my kids after school schedule make it very difficult to commit to any evening classes and practically impossible to attend daytime classes as well. Thanks!

    1. Hi Varinia,
      Thank you for your feedback. We don’t currently have plans for 5:30 am classes. But, we do offer classes on Saturday and Sunday. If those classes work for your schedule, they would be great classes to get started with! We could also schedule your Studio Foundation (intro session) for a Saturday or Sunday.

  6. My time without the challenge has been a real challenge but I look forward to another chance to see what my body really can do… and I find out more each time there is a challenge!

  7. Sydney, I would love to have more Friday classes offered.

    What will the cardio classes be like? Is it running and walking outside and how long will they last?

    1. Hi Anne,

      What class time would you like to see added to the schedule on Fridays?

      The cardio sessions are divided into 3 categories, walks, runs, and walk/runs. Depending on the session, they last between 40 minutes and 1 hour and 30 minutes. They are outdoors and depending on the day we walk the Walnut Street Bridge, Coolidge Park, River Walk and the hills of North Chattanooga.

  8. Sydney, class time starting at 9:00 thru noon work for me. Either a mat or reformer class. I would love to see the instructors add the barrel to some of the mat classes.
    Are you still including monkey gym in the class options for the mini challenge? I am thinking of the 3rd one offered.

    1. Great Anne!

      On Fridays we currently have a 9:00 Stretching & Flexibility class and a 10:00 Mat class. The Stretching & Flexibility class would be a great class to add to your schedule during the Mini – Challenge. It will help you get maximum benefit from the other classes you take. 🙂

      The Monkey Gym Classes will be on Tuesdays at 8:30 am and 6:30 pm. They start on April 24th.

      We love the barrel too and will definitely use it when class size allows.

      Thank you for all of your great feedback!

  9. Thanks Sydney! I hadn’t thought of the stretch class as part of the challenge classes. I am sure I need to take it so I will probably put that on my schedule each week.

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